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Working in the community sector is very rewarding.

However, supporting people and communities experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage can take a toll on your physical and mental wellbeing.

Responding to the effects of bushfires, supporting families through cost-of-living challenges or providing advice to victim/survivors of domestic and family violence can having lasting impacts on community sector workers.

You can do your best work for others by prioritising your own health and wellbeing. Good self-care will enable you to build the resilience required for a long-lasting and successful career.

Self-care means looking after yourself. Here are some tips and hints to help ensure longevity and wellbeing in your community sector career:
  • Use strategies that have worked for you in the past to manage stress.
  • Treat your stress levels and psychosocial wellbeing as importantly as you regard your physical health.
  • Talk to people you trust or contact your workplace Employee Assistance Program.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: keep hydrated, eat and sleep well, exercise and enjoy social contact with family and friends.
  • Take your ‘at work’ breaks whenever you can and don’t feel guilty about taking your days off.
  • Talk to your supervisor if issues at work are impacting your health and wellbeing. Your employer is responsible for workplace health and safety.
  • Remember it is normal to feel sad, stressed or overwhelmed during a crisis, busy period or demanding situation. These feelings are no reflection on your ability to do your job.
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Check out some of these resources:

  • This Way Up – has an excellent list of Coping tools: a series of short, practical workbooks designed to provide extra support in times of uncertainty and stress.
  • ReachOut – Take the quiz to help you find professionally reviewed mobile apps and tools to help you look after your health and wellbeing.
  • Mind Spot’s – Online assessment which aims to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • WorkSafe ACT – Work-related stress
ACT Community Sector Careers Gateway (ACTCSCG)

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