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A thriving sector

The state of the community Sector

Did you know that the healthcare and social assistance sector is the largest and fastest growing workforce in Australia?

Nationally, employment in our sector is projected to grow by over 14% by 2026.1 That’s an increase of more than 300,000 jobs nationwide!

Demand for the care and support workforce will double by 2049-2050.1


Number of people the ACT Health and Community Sector already employs.2

  • Canberra’s population is growing faster than the rest of Australia3.
  • An expanding, aging and increasingly diverse and dispersed population means that the ACT community sector will also need to grow rapidly.
  • That means more community sector jobs and more opportunities for career progression for those with experience and passion to make a change.
  • No surprise, that workers in the community sector feel confident about the future despite the uncertainty and disruption from COVID-19. Most community services sector respondents – 73% – said they felt confident about the future of their industry4.

How confident do you feel about the future of the industry post-COVID-19?4

Proportion of staff who are confident
Aged Care workers
Community Services workers.
Early Childhood Education and Care workers

Help to leverage Canberra’s increasing diversity


The ACT’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is one of the fastest-growing of all states and territories3.


2% of the ACT population identify as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin3.


In 2021, nearly 30% of people in Canberra spoke a language other than English at home3.


16,900 people have a sexual orientation other than heterosexual3.

“What we always need is diversity. We need all types of people because we work with all types of people and need to understand all types of people. Both now and in the future – diversity will be key to the success of our organisations.”

Emma, CEO

Play your part in creating a fairer Canberra community

The ACT has the highest medium income of any state or territory in Australia. But did you know:

In the ACT, more than 38,000 people live in poverty including 9,000 children5.


Poverty, financial stress, and housing pressures are driving increasing demand for community services.


Rising prices of essential goods and services including electricity, gas, health, education, housing and food, contribute to the need in vulnerable households.

“Bring hope, support, empowerment to just one person – it’s the best feeling in the world, but it’s also bigger than that. You are making real change. Who doesn’t want to feel that way?”


Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people make up less than 2% of the general population in the ACT, but nearly 26% of the population in the ACT’s prison6.

Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander children in the ACT are 13 times more likely to be in out-of-home care than non-Indigenous children7.

The average wait for ACT public housing is over 4 years8.

More than 30% of clients who approached homelessness services with a need for accommodation did not have their needs met.

The ACT has the highest rate of people delaying filling or not filling prescription due to cost.

“We might not solve the housing crisis, but we’re able to make a small but very meaningful material difference in people’s lives.”

ACT Community Sector Careers Gateway (ACTCSCG)

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